The housing options in Notleys Landing and in the neighborhood has a variety of home, ranchettes, small neighborhoods, mobile homes, and apartments and condos. The single or nuclear family prefers staying in single-detached homes. There are houses with two or three bedrooms also.
The cost of living in Notleys Landing is 82 which is lesser than the U.S. average. Housing is the biggest factor considered here while calculating the cost of living.
The median home price is $79,600. The home appreciation rate since the last 10 years has been 56.3%.
The most popular areas to stay in Notleys Landing are Division St, Argyle Rd, Pine Canyon Rd, Oak Hills Rd, Notleys Landing Rd, Pine Valley Rd, Sun Dalley Rd, and Vista Pl.
Notleys Landing offers the residents a rural feeling. 30.3% of the residents rent their homes and the rest of them own their homes here. There is economic and ethnic diversity seen in the people of Notleys Landing. Overall, it is a safe and peaceful place to stay. Notleys Landing is a tranquil place where one can think of making a life. The weather in the city is more or less sunny. The health index is 82.7 which is fairly good in comparison to the national average. The weather, schooling, health, and the lifestyle is stately amazing which makes it wanting for people to stay in here. Bonus, the coastal views.