Homes for Sale in , CA
Homes for Sale in
For Sale
For Sale
Paradise Park
Santa Cruz County, California
  • Weather: High 28°C low 13°C
  • Population: 389
  • Area: 539.1km2
What kind of housing options are available in Paradise Park?

Paradise Park is an attraction point for families as well as young students; thus, a variety of housing options are available. From luxurious holiday homes, bachelor pad style condos to the big yard containing vintage family homes - there are plenty of different housing options available. 

What is the average home price in Paradise Park?

For buying a gorgeous median home near the beach and other local amenities in Paradise Park, you have to averagely pay $799K. The price may vary according to size, location, and other house buying factors. 

How is real estate appreciating in Paradise Park?

The real estate market is highly appreciated in Paradise Park despite the smaller population. One house listing in Paradise Park receives eight offers within the time frame of 10 days. In the last few years, median house sales have increased by up to 3.5% in Paradise Park, so the real estate market is growing here.


What are some of the most popular areas to live in Paradise Park?

In Paradise Park, numerous hot areas are present where houses sell like a decadent hot cake. Some of the popular places to reside in Paradise Park are Carrison Street, 59Th Street, San Pablo Ave, Vallejo Street, Fremont Street, Marshall Street, and a few more. 

How is life in Paradise Park?

Whether you want to settle down after retirement or you want to raise your kids in a peaceful environment, you can reside in Paradise Park. Smaller population, good educational centers, beautiful beaches, and laid back life is in Paradise Park, which is quite perfect.